Тема-монолог на английском языке "The City. Is it a monster or ...?"


It is known that many of the cities are growing bigger and bigger. There are about 20 cities in the world with a population of more than ten million people. Wherever you look , its people, people and people.

The characteristic features of large modern cities are: the crazy system of commuting when you have to change from metro to bus, pollution, addicts, and homeless people. Slums and congested streets make us feel blue. Traffic jams make the transport come to a standstill. Life is stressful in cities. Polluted air influences our health. We miss nature.

Large modern cities are too big to control. The cost of living in general is high. We have to pay for the privilege of living in a city. The demand for accommodation is great.

So we should ask ourselves-"Is it worth it?" Cities offer better schools, better medical services, better public transport and high standard of living conditions. On the whole one can have more opportunity to succeed in life. A big city is often called a monster and is full of dangers and traps.

We should be extremely attentive in the streets of a large city.

-Would you like to live in a little town? Why? .



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