Разговорная тема "Изучение иностранных языков". Learning languages. English is a world language that

         Languages are very important in modern life. But learning languages is very difficult and time consuming. The quickest way to learn a language is to go to the country where it is spoken. You can improve it, only if you communicate outside the classroom a lot. Writing notes and e-mails, reading books and watching TV programmes in English can help a lot. Many of us want to speak a foreign language, but we either have no time for it or lack motivation. If a child wants to learn a foreign language easily and get some fun at the same time, he should play different games in English.

         Pictures and toys work very well too. We know that young children pick up new words very quickly. There are also many cartoons, films and songs in English for children. Some of my friends are very good at languages. They say that the golden rule is to do lots of revision at regular intervals. I can say that there are many reasons why people should study English. English is the most widely spoken language in the world today and it looks as if it will be a world language for a long time. It is taught in many countries of the world because it is the chief language of international business, advertising, home computers, broadcasting and air traffic control. In my opinion one should be motivated to learn English. English is very important if you want:
-to get a good job
-to travel abroad ( English is the dominant or official language in over 60 countries)
-to be familiar with social and cultural life in other countries
-to have something to do in your spare time
-to be well educated
-to be able to communicate with people from different countries

English helps avoid culture shock and gives you a feeling of confidence. There are no magic solutions, you simply have to work at it.



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