Тема-монолог на английском языке "Школа. Образование. School. Knowledge is power."


An educated person is one who knows a lot many things. It makes us a real personality. One should be curious enough to develop his independent thinking. To my mind the most important features here are-being determined, hard-working, creative and open to acquire new skills. Encouragement of your parents and teachers is helpful too.

School students should develop different skills when they are at school, such as-carrying out experiments, solving problems, holding discussions and conversations, making observations, speaking in public etc. We all learn by experience. One should be competitive to succeed in life and that is another thing to learn at school.

Communication has become very important in our life. It`s easy to deal with people using the Net or our mobile phone, but it`s more difficult to speak face-to-face. I go to a secondary school which is comprehensive. I went to school at the age of 7. The pupils in my class were at the same level; they all had the same knowledge. When I was 10, I fell ill with flu and had to stay at home. Of course, I fell behind my class when I came back to school. It was the time when I realized how important self education was. Several changes have taken place lately. Schools today are allowed to give alternative education either at school or at home.

I like to go to school, but I think there is too much homework. My favourite subjects are History, Mathematics, IT and languages. I don`t like exams, I must admit. I feel a bit nervous and can lose my temper easily. They say schools don`t prepare pupils for life. I can`t understand what is meant by this.

If you are ambitious and motivated enough, you can become well educated and achieve your goals in life.



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